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Mahalaya Amavasya: Honoring Ancestors with Gratitude

Sarva Pitru Amavasya or Mahalaya Amavasya is also known as Pitru Paksha Amavasya. It is referred as the most crucial day to perform rituals in the memory of our ancestors. We show gratitude and seek their divine protection. This period is observed with pure devotion and huge respect. It has immense spiritual importance for Hindus across the world.

Pitru Paksha is also known as the fortnight (a period of 15 days) of the ancestors. It usually comes during the lunar month of Ashwin either in September or October. The last day of this fortnight is known as Mahalaya Amavasya.

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Significance of Mahalaya Amavasya

Mahalaya Amavasya is truly a day dedicated to the souls of our departed ancestors. According to Hindu belief, when a person leaves this mortal world, his soul ascends to the realm of Pitru (ancestors). But they continue to influence the lives of their descendants.

This day is a golden opportunity to show our appreciation for the departed souls. The rituals we perform on Mahalaya Amavasya are believed to bring peace to the souls of our ancestors. When satisfied, they give us blessings, health, and safety from obstacles. Many Hindus also believe that this period helps to clear any karmic burden carried by the family lineage.

The acts offered at this time are called “Tarpana” or “Pind Dan”. These sacrifices are performed with the utmost devotion so that the journey of the soul to the afterlife may be peaceful.

Mahalaya Amavasya expresses our relationship with those who came before us. It reminds us that we are here today because of their sacrifices, blessings and guidance.

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Story of Mahalaya Amavasya

The story of Mahalaya Amavasya originates in the ancient Hindu epic, Mahabharata. Karna, a valiant warrior, is said to have ascended to heaven and found that he had taken only gold and precious stones as food.

Confused by this, Karna inquired into the reason for this unusual food. He found that he had done many good deeds but had never given food or water to his ancestors in his life. After knowing this, Karna requested to Lord Yama (the god of death) to allow him to return to earth temporarily so that he could perform important rituals for his ancestors.

Inspired by Karna’s devotion and loyalty, Yama gave him 15 days in which he could give tarpans to his ancestors. This period became to be known as Pitru Paksha. When we offer food, water, and prayers to appease our departed ancestors. It reflects the belief that the bond between the living and the departed is stronger even after death.

When is Pitru Paksha Amavasya in 2024?

Mahalaya Amavasya 2024 falls on Wednesday, October 2. It marks the last day of the Pitru Paksha period, also known as Pitru Paksha Amavasya 2024.

It is during this day that the rituals and offerings to the ancestors are to be performed. Since it is a highly significant day, early morning rituals are considered especially auspicious.

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What to Do on Mahalaya Amavasya?

People do a good deal of rituals on Pitru Paksha Amavasya with pure devotion. They wish to ensure the peace of their ancestors’ souls. Here’s what one should do on this auspicious day:

  1. Tarpan (Offering Water)

   –  The uppermost ritual is tarpan. It includes water mixed with sesame seeds for the ancestors. This offering is placed facing south and in the direction of Yama, the god of death.

  1. Pind Daan (Offering of Food)

   – Pind Daan is an offering of rice balls mixed with sesame seeds, wheat flour and ghee. It shows the ancestors who received food from Brahmins or priests.

  1. Feeding Brahmins and Cows

   On this day, it is considered very auspicious for Brahman, cows, dogs and other animals to feed food. This practice is believed to bring satisfaction and peace directly to the ancestral souls.

  1. Donations (Daan)

   – Charity and donations during Pitra Paksha are an important aspect of Amavasya. Donating food, clothes, and wealth in memory of ancestors is believed to bring benefits to the family (Punya).

  1. Fasting

   – Some people choose to fast during the new moon of Pitra Paksha. They usually fast until the ritual is completed. In addition to the ritual offering, the family can provide a simple meal.

  1. Recitation of Scriptures

-Recitation like Bhagavad Gita or Shrimad Bhagwatam is considered highly auspicious on this day. This practice is believed to help guide the souls of the departed to salvation (Moksha).

Significance of Donation on Mahalaya Amavasya

In Hindu tradition, offering charity (Daan) during Mahalaya Amavasya is believed to have immense value. The act of donating selflessly purifies our soul and helps in decreasing negative karma. It also conveys blessings from our ancestors. The key to the charity lies in its sincerity. It is not about the material value, but about offering with a devotionally pure heart.

whatever we donate during Mahalaya Amavasya, reaches the ancestors directly in the form of nourishment for their souls. The soul of the donor and the receiver both benefit spiritually. Additionally, these acts are believed to help free the ancestors from any unfinished karmic debts they might have.

What to donate on Mahalaya Amavasya

  1. Food donation (Anna Daan)

   –Giving food to the poor, animals, and Brahmins, is referred the highest form of donation. Many families prepare meals and distribute them in temples or ashrams.

  1. Clothing

   – Donating clothes, especially white garments, is considered an act of virtue. This offering signifies giving comfort to the departed souls.

  1. Water

   – Offering clean drinking water to those in need or providing water facilities at public places like temples is a sacred act. This marks of quenching the thirst of ancestors.

  1. Shelter

   – Helping build shelters for the homeless or providing shelter to wandering animals earns huge spiritual merit. This act shows providing protection to souls who may be wandering without peace.

  1. Feeding Cows, Crows, and Dogs

   – It is also important to feed cows, crows, and dogs during Pitru Paksha Amavasya. These animals are considered messengers to the spiritual world and are believed to carry the offerings to the ancestors.

  1. Lighting Lamps (Deep Daan)

   – Lighting lamps during Mahalaya Amavasya, is a mark of lighting the way for the departed souls. This act highlights guiding them to higher level of peace and liberation.

Spiritual Practices on Mahalaya Amavasya

Besides donations, spiritual practices play an important role in the rituals of Mahalaya Amavasya. Engaging in acts of devotion helps uplift the spiritual connection between the living and the departed.

  1. Japa (Chanting Mantras)

Chanting 16 rounds of Shri Hare Krishna Mahamantra on Mahalaya Amavasya is of utmost importance. It helps in invoking blessings from the Supreme Godhead Shri Krishna and seeking his protection.

Hare Krishna Mahamantra:



  1. Prayers and Meditation

  -It is important to worship Lord Vishnu, Lord Yama, your family deity on Mahalaya Amavasya. Many people meditate on the spirits of their ancestors. They focus on sending a ray of love to their departed souls.

  1. Scriptural Readings

  – Reading holy books like Garuda Purana and Bhagavad Gita are highly recommended during this period. This text provides spiritual insight into death, the afterlife, and the journey of the soul. These also help us understand the importance of Pitru Paksha Amavasya.

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