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How to Celebrate Janmashtami

Shri Krishna Janmashtami is also known as ISKCON Janmashtami. It is a grand celebration of Lord Krishna’s birth. This divine event is marked with deep devotion, joy, and spiritual fervor across the world. The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) temples are specially known for their vibrant and soulful celebrations. Let’s dive into how you can immerse yourself in this spiritually enlightening experience.

There are numerous ways how to celebrate Janmashtami and invite Lord Krishna’s blessings into your life. 

  1. Preparation for Divine Celebration

Janmashtami is more than just a festival. It is an opportunity to reconnect with Lord Krishna. Preparation for the Janmashtami decoration begins many days before. Devotees clean their homes and temples, so that they can decorate them with flowers, lights, and rangolis. This act shows purification of the heart and mind thoroughly.

Spend time in prayer and meditation and focus on Lord Krishna’s divine pastimes.

Chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra,

“Hare Krishna Mahamantra:


HARE RAMA HARE RAMA, RAMA RAMA HARE HARE,”. It helps prepare your mind for the celebration.

A lot of devotees chant 108 rounds of Hare Krishna Mahamantra. Some chant 64 or 32 rounds. However, 16 rounds of chanting are recommended for every person to perform on Janmashtami.

Bhagavad Gita 9.22:

अनन्याश्चिन्तयन्तो मां ये जनाः पर्युपासते।
तेषां नित्याभियुक्तानां योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम्।।


Ananyāś cintayanto māṁ ye janāḥ paryupāsate
Teṣhāṁ nityābhiyuktānāṁ yoga-kṣhemaṁ vahāmyaham


This verse underlines the importance of constant devotion. It can be expressed through the recitation of the Mahamantra. This leading to spiritual protection and fulfilment made by Lord Krishna.

  1. Fasting with Devotion

Fasting is an important aspect of Janmashtami. It is a method to cleanse the body and soul and shows deep devotion to Lord Krishna. ISKCON devotees typically observe a strict fast until midnight, the auspicious hour of Lord Krishna’s birth. However, if you are unable to fast fully, you can opt for a simple diet of fruits, milk, and nuts.

Bhagavad Gita 6.16:

नात्यश्नतस्तु योगोऽस्ति चैकान्तमनश्नतः। 

चाति स्वप्नशीलस्य जाग्रतो नैव चार्जुन।।


This verse highlights the importance of moderation in food and sleep, which is related to the practice of fasting and self-discipline in spiritual life.

Remember, the essence of fasting is devotion, not just to abstain from food. Use this time to reflect on Lord Krishna’s teachings and increase your spiritual consciousness.

  1. Decorating the Deities

In ISKCON temples, the deities of Radha and Krishna are beautifully adorned with flowers, jewels, and new clothes. This is a key part of the celebration. If you have a home altar, you can also do easy Janmashtami decoration at home by adorning your Krishna idol with love and care.

Offering fresh flowers and lighting lamps around the altar increases the divine ambiance. Keep in mind, the act of decorating is not only an offering but it is a part of your heart to the Lord.

  1. Engaging in Kirtan and Bhajans

Music is an essential element of ISKCON Janmashtami celebrations. The temples reverberate with melodious bhajans and kirtans, offered in the praise of Shri Krishna. Participation in these devotional songs helps elevate your spiritual experience.

If you cannot attend the temple, you can organize a small kirtan at home. Gather your family, sing praises of the Lord. This is how you can immerse yourself in the divine energy.

  1. Listening to Krishna’s Leelas

On Janmashtami, listening to the stories of Krishna’s childhood, known as Leelas, is a tradition. These stories, filled with divine playfulness and wisdom, connect devotees with Lord Krishna’s divine nature. Temples like ISCKON Ghaziabad often organize special storytelling sessions.

At home, you can read from the Bhagavad Gita or Srimad Bhagavatam. Recite the lessons from these scriptures in unison, and Lord Krishna’s teachings will inspire your life miraculously.

  1. Offering Prasadam

Prasadam, food offered to Lord Krishna, is a crucial part of ISKCON Janmashtami. Prepare a variety of vegetarian dishes, sweets, and fruits as an offering. Some popular dishes include kheer, laddoos, and poha.

Before consuming, offer the food to Shri Krishna with love and devotion. This act transforms the food into prasadam, a sanctified offering, which you can then share with family and friends.

  1. Midnight Celebration – Birth of Krishna

The most awaited moment of Janmashtami is the midnight celebration when Lord Krishna was born. ISKCON temples conduct a grand Abhishekam (bathing ceremony) of the Krishna deity at this time. The deities are bathed with milk, honey, yogurt, and ghee, amidst the chanting of sacred mantras.

You can also perform a simple Abhishekam at home with a small Krishna idol. This ritual expresses the grand welcoming of Lord Krishna into not only your home but also your heart.

  1. Bhajans and Dance Performances

The celebration of Krishna’s birth doesn’t end at midnight. It continues with vibrant bhajans, where devotees sing praises of Lord Krishna with great zeal. In ISKCON temples, cultural programs, including dance performances depicting Krishna’s life, are a common sight.

If you’re at home, you can engage in devotional singing or organize a small event with friends and family. Krishna’s Ras Leela, where he danced with the Gopis, can be reenacted through dance or storytelling, making the celebration joyous and spiritually uplifting.

  1. Reciting Bhagavad Gita

One of the most significant ways to celebrate ISKCON Janmashtami is by reciting verses from the Bhagavad Gita. Lord Krishna’s teachings in this sacred text offer deep wisdom and guidance for life.

Take some time to read and meditate upon the teachings of the Gita. You can also participate in group recitations or discussions organized by ISKCON temples. This will enhance your understanding of the divine’s enlightenment.

  1. Devotional Service (Seva)

Seva, or devotional service, is a cornerstone of ISKCON teachings. On Janmashtami, devotees engage in various forms of service, both in temples and in their communities. This could include cleaning the temple, giving food to the poor, or cooking prasadam.

Consider participating in or organizing charity work, such as feeding the poor or donating to a local temple. This act of service not only pleases Lord Krishna but also spreads the joy and blessings of Janmashtami to others.

  1. Offering Donations

ISKCON Janmashtami donation is another significant aspect of charity. It is believed that offering donations on this auspicious day brings immense spiritual benefits. Donations can be in the form of money, food, or other resources to help those in need.

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 17, Verse 20  

   दातव्यमिति यद्दानं दीयतेऽनुपकारिणे |

   देशे काले पात्रे तद्दानं सात्त्विकं स्मृतम् || 17.20 ||


   dātavyam iti yad dānaṁ dīyate ‘nupakāriṇe

   deśhe kāle cha pātre cha tad dānaṁ sāttvikaṁ smṛitam


In this verse, Lord Krishna emphasizes the qualities of a true donation (Dāna). We should donate without any intention of recognition or reward. It should be given at the right time, in the right place, and to the right person (a worthy recipient). Such donations are considered Sattvic, meaning they are pure and elevate the giver spiritually.

You can contribute to ISKCON’s charitable activities like food donation or donate directly to support the temple. This selfless act of giving is a powerful way to honor Lord Krishna and embody his teachings of compassion and kindness.

  1. Meditation and Reflection

After the joyous celebrations, it’s important to spend some time in quiet meditation. Reflect on the divine leelas of Krishna and how you can apply his teachings in your daily life. Meditating on Shri Krishna’s form and name helps deepen your connection with the Lord.

This time of reflection allows you to internalize the spiritual energy of Janmashtami and carry its blessings forward in your journey.

Bhagavad Gita 6.11-12:

शुचौ देशे प्रतिष्ठाप्य स्थिरमासनमात्मन:। 

नात्युच्छ्रितं नातिनीचं चैलाजिनकुशोत्तरम्।।

तत्रैकाग्रं मन: कृत्वा यतचित्तेन्द्रियक्रिय:। 

उपविश्यासने युञ्ज्याद्योगमात्मविशुद्धये।।


This verse expresses the importance of meditation in attaining self-purification and spiritual progress. By practicing meditation in a disciplined and sacred manner. One can draw closer to the divine.

  1. Sharing Joy with Others

Janmashtami is a festival of love, devotion, and unity. Sharing the joy of this celebration with others magnifies its spiritual significance. Invite friends, family, and neighbors to join you in the festivities. You can also distribute prasadam to everyone, and spread the blessings of Lord Krishna.

Encourage children to participate in the celebration by narrating Shri Krishna’s stories, organizing games, or creating crafts related to divine’s life. This helps inculcate devotion and values in the younger generation.

  1. Continuing Devotion Beyond Janmashtami

While Janmashtami is a day of intense devotion, the true essence lies in continuing this devotion throughout the year. Commit to daily practices like chanting, reading scriptures, and performing seva. These actions help keep Lord Krishna in your heart and mind long after the festival ends.

Remember, Krishna’s teachings guide us to live a life of righteousness, love, and compassion. By apply these principles into your daily routine, you honor Lord Krishna every day, not just on Janmashtami.

Celebrating ISKCON Janmashtami is a journey of the soul, filled with devotion, joy, and divine connection. By following these practices, you can immerse yourself in the spiritual essence, draw closer to Lord Krishna, and experience his blessings in your life. 

May Krishna’s grace fill your heart with love, peace, and eternal bliss!

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