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Who is Lord Balarama? Is He The Supreme God?

Who is Lord Balarama?

Lord Balarama, who is also famously known as ’Dau Bhaiya (Elder Brother)’ of Lord Krishna is the first expansion of Shri Krishna – the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Lord Krishna is the source of all incarnations, and Lord Balarama is his second body. Although they share the same identity, they have different forms. Shri Balarama assists Lord Krishna in His divine pastimes and is the source of the entire spiritual world. He is known as the adi-guru, the original spiritual master.

Lord Balarama takes on five other forms to serve Lord Krishna. He directly assists Lord Krishna in his pleasures and participates in the work of creation in four forms namely Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna, and Aniruddha. Shri Balarama carries out Lord Krishna’s orders in creation and, as Lord Shesha, serves Lord Krishna in various ways. In all these forms, Lord Balarama experiences the bliss of serving Lord Krishna. It is said that no one can approach Lord Krishna without first receiving the mercy of Baladeva.

Descent of Lord Balarama

Whenever Lord Krishna appears in the material world, he brings his associates and paraphernalia. Five thousand years ago, Lord Krishna descended to the material world. Before Him, Baladeva came first. Only after Baladeva granted His Divine Mercy on Devaki Vasudeva and the people of Earth, did Lord Krishna descend. This shows their intimate relationship.

Baladeva was the seventh child in Devaki’s womb. She knew this was a divine child. This made her very concerned for his safety. Kansa also sensed His power. He became fearful, thinking he was tricked by the prophecy. The prophecy said he would be killed by Devaki’s eighth child. Lord Krishna then commanded his inner power Yogamaya to transfer the unborn child. The child moved from Devaki’s womb to Rohini’s. Rohini, another wife of Vasudeva, was hiding from Kansa. She was in Nanda Maharaja’s house in Gokul.

Lord Balarama was born in Gokul under Nanda Maharaja’s protection. Sage Garga, the family priest of the Yadu dynasty, revealed to Rohini that her child was indeed Vasudeva’s. At the naming ceremony, he named the child Rama, one who gives all pleasures. Garga Muni also predicted that he would be known as Lord Balarama, meaning strength. He was attracted from Devaki’s womb to Rohini’s, so he was also called Sankarshana. As Rohini’s son, he was Rohini-nandan. As Lord Krishna’s elder brother, he was also called Dauji.

Form of Lord Balarama

Lord Balarama is very powerful and only sixteen years old. He radiates youthful lustre. His fair complexion is the colour of crystal. He wears a blue dress and a garland of forest flowers. His beautiful hair is tied up in fine braids. Splendid earrings adorn his ears. His neck was adorned with flowers, jewels, and ribbons. Armlets and bracelets ornament his graceful and strong arms. His feet are adorned with precious stones.

The earrings that touch his cheeks, increase the beauty of Lord Balarama. His face is adorned with tilak of musk. His broad chest is adorned with a garland of gunja. Lord Balarama’s voice is very deep. His arms are long, touching his thighs.

The splendour of Lord Balarama’s form eclipses millions of rising moons. The scent of his strength can destroy armies of demons. He already knows the powers of Shri Krishna. Yet, out of love, he never leaves Lord Krishna alone in the forest. Lord Balarama is Lord Krishna’s dearest friend. He is a reservoir of nectar mellows of many transcendental pastimes.

Shri Balarama Purnima Festival 2024

Shri Balarama Purnima festival is celebrated as the Appearance Day of Lord Balarama on the Earth. It falls every year on Full Moon Day of Shravan Month in Hindu calendar. This year the festival will be celebrated on 19th August 2024. People celebrate this day by visiting Shri Krishna Temples, observing fasts, participating in Kirtanas and Jhulan Yatras arranged at ISKCON Temples, and also by listening to various pastimes of Shri Balarama.

Specific Pastimes of Lord Balarama

Lord Balarama Slays Dhenukasura

Dhenukasura was a powerful demon. He had taken the form of an ass. He and his demon friends occupied Talavana, one of Vrindavana’s twelve forests. Out of fear, no one approached Talavana. They could not enjoy the flowers and fruits there. Lord Balarama, encouraged by his cowherd friends, entered the forest. He desired to kill the demons. He began shaking the fruit trees, making a loud noise. Enraged by the attack, the bull attacked Lord Balarama with its hind legs causing Lord Balarama to quickly pick it up on its feet and spin it around until it died. Dhenuka’s other demon friends rushed at Lord Krishna and Lord Balarama picked them up and threw them into the trees killing them. Soon the forest was free of demons. It appeared the bent trees were directed by Lord Balarama to pay obeisances to Lord Krishna.

Lord Balarama Kills Pralambasura

One day, Lord Krishna and Lord Balarama played with the cowherd boys. A demon named Pralamba entered their midst. He was disguised as a cowherd boy. After seeing Lord Krishna’s power, Pralamba made up his mind to abduct Lord Balarama instead. After losing the game, Pralamba had to carry Lord Balarama on his shoulders. Running swiftly, Pralamba carried Lord Balarama. Lord Balarama realized the demon’s true identity. He made himself heavier and heavier. Pralamba couldn’t bear the weight. He assumed his original form. He looked like a huge, dark cloud, adorned with golden ornaments. Lord Balarama struck the demon’s head with his fist. The blow split Pralamba’s head in two, causing his death.

Lord Balarama Glorified by Lord Krishna

Lord Balarama, as Lord Krishna’s elder brother, was deeply loved and respected by Him. Once, while walking in the Vrindavana Forest, Lord Krishna saw the trees bending down. It seemed as if they were paying obeisances. Lord Krishna praised Lord Balarama’s lotus feet. He said even the demigods were devoted to Lord Balarama. The trees, former impersonalists, now sought Lord Balarama’s devotion. When Lord Balarama got tired from playing, he laid down on a cowherd boy’s lap. Lord Krishna massaged his feet, fanned, and served him. This showed the sweet love between Lord Krishna and Lord Balarama.

Yamuna Devi Chastised

Lord Balarama, living in Dwarka, returned to Vrindavana for two months. He enjoyed pastimes with his gopi friends. These gopis were different from Lord Krishna’s gopis. At Rama-ghata, Lord Balarama played by the Yamuna River. He invited Yamuna to play in his waters. Yamuna did not respond. Lord Balarama grew angry. He took up his plow and dragged Yamuna, creating a hundred streams. Realizing Lord Balarama’s power, Yamuna appeared. She offered obeisances and many prayers to him. Satisfied, Lord Balarama entered and bathed in the river’s waters.

Kauravas Chastised

Samba, son of Jambavati and Lord Krishna, kidnapped Laksmana, Duryodhana’s daughter. She was to choose her husband in an assembly. The Kauravas were furious. They fought against Samba and eventually sent six special warriors to capture him.  The Yadavas prepared for battle upon hearing this. Lord Balarama, however, preferred a peaceful solution. He requested the Kauravas to bring back Samba and Lakshmana. The Kauravas insulted him and the Yadava dynasty in response. Lord Balarama, seeing their false pride, took his plow. He began dragging Hastinapura towards the Ganges. The terrified Kauravas surrendered to Lord Balarama’s feet. They begged for mercy and returned Samba and Laksmana. The couple was married with many opulent gifts.

Lord Balarama Marries Revati

In the Satya Yuga, there was a king named Raivata. His daughter, Revati, was excellent in all respects. Unable to find a suitable match, he took her to Brahma’s court for advice. After some time, the king met Brahma. He was shocked to learn that millions of years had passed on Earth. Dvapara Yuga was concluding. Brahma informed Raivata that Lord Balarama was present and suitable for Revati. Raivata returned and approached Lord Balarama. He asked him to accept Revati as his wife. Revati was from an earlier yuga, so she was much larger physically. Lord Balarama placed his plow on her head. She shrunk to an appropriate size. Lord Balarama then accepted her as his wife.

Lord Balarama and Mahabharata

Lord Balarama was fond of Pandavas and Kauravas. He taught both Duryodhana and Bhima the art of mace-war. As a teacher, he appreciated Duryodhana’s superior technique. He also acknowledged Bhima’s raw strength. During the Mahabharata, Lord Balarama refused to take sides. Instead, he went on a pilgrimage to holy places. In the battle between Bhima and Duryodhana, Bhima killed Duryodhana by trickery. Lord Balarama became angry at Bhima. However, he was appeased by Shri Krishna.

Killing of Romaharshana

Towards the end of Dvapara Yuga, thousands of sages gathered at Naimyasharana. They aimed to perform a thousand-year yajna. This was a try to reverse the starting of the Kali Yuga.  The sages appointed Romaharshana as their leader. He was the main disciple of Vyasadeva. While Sukadeva Goswami was reciting Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam to King Parikshit, Romaharṣaṇa was also present.

When Lord Balarama entered the assembly, everyone stood up to respect Him. They recognized Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. However, Romaharshana did not rise. He was proud of his position as the leader. Lord Balarama saw that Romaharshana, though an expert Vedantist, had not realized the teachings. Lord Balaram found himself unfit to lead the ceremony. He touched the bald man with a lawn mower and died. Then he appointed a charioteer, the son of Romaharṣaṇa, as the new leader of the congregation.

Mercy of Lord Balarama

Lord Balarama exemplifies a service attitude to Lord Krishna. His mission is to please Lord Krishna. He renders service in creating the material worlds. He maintains the spiritual world and serves as Lord Krishna’s personal paraphernalia.

Lord Balarama is Lord Krishna’s eternal companion. He appeared as Lakshmana with Rama. Later he came with the great Lord of consciousness as the Lord of eternal bliss. Lord Balarama is the original spiritual master. Anyone desiring spiritual progress must first receive his mercy.

All glories to Lord Balarama!

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